Sun, Moon, Earth

In May of 2022, there was a Total Lunar Eclipse, and we went out to go see the Moon disappear from view. The little one was fascinated by what was happening. He finally understood the whole discussion we had about eclipses.

I created this little tool to explain rotation and revolution. Then you can go check out the spinner I made about rotations and revolution as well. 😜

When the Beaver Moon happened back in November of 2021, this little tool really helped explain what eclipses are, as well.

It really is a simple tool. It's one of those "why didn't I think of that" thing. All we really needed was the Sun, Earth, Moon, 2 arms, and 3 split spins, (2 would have suffice, but we needed the Moon to spin as well).

Seems a little complicated, I know, but I've provided a step by step instructions with the pdf download, hopefully, that makes it quite easier. 

On top of that, the little one's teacher was so fascinated with this little tool, she borrowed it for the little one's class too. 

So if you are interested with this little tool, kindly visit my shop at etsy or tpt.

Thank you. 

Images are thanks to:



