Measurement disaster

I recently carry around an epi-pen with me. Figured, keep it inside my purse, and it’ll be fine. Then I read online, from this page that a child’s epi-pen has to be placed in a padded, insulated case. Keep it room temperature and protect it from getting “beaten up” inside your bag.

I tried to look in for one. But didn’t like it, plus I wasn’t sure if it was gonna fit in my little purse. Mind you, I carry a relatively small bag which contains mostly the baby’s stuff. Like teething tablets, teething gels, aquaphor, cortisone, Benadryl, the epi-pen, that kind of stuff. So I didn’t want some bulky case that wont fit in my purse and would end up looking for a bigger purse… I don’t like bringing purses as it is.

On a side note, you should have seen the baby bag I bring. Hahahaha. It’s a cosmetic bag that fits his diapers, wipes, change of clothes, and whatever stuff I think I need for the day. We even manged to bring it around with us to Disneyland which made our trip much easier, more on that later.

Anyway, so I decided to make a case. I’ve just dabbled in sewing recently, so that’s what I did.

My first attempt took 3 tries even before I ended with a use-able one. Not bad, but I couldn’t figure out how to put a flap as a cover.

My second atempt, took one try, which turned out pretty good, but couldn’t get the flap to close. Big mistake here. I measured right in the beginning, but when I was putting the whole thing together, I adjusted 2 inches, and that’s why I couldn’t close the flap anymore. Talk about big mistake right.

Note to self: don’t readjust measurements in the middle of working on a project.

So I’m off to the fabric store again, to get the same fabric – run-out of whale fabric, and need more.. hahaha.

Here’s to my 3rd attempt. Wish me luck. Hahahaha.
