Potty Training is a B!@+(#

I’ve decided to start this blog with a whole different topic in mind, but today, we decided to potty the baby because someone told us that he is too young to be potty trained because he still a baby. So in light of the theme and purpose of my blog, why not start with this topic in mind. 

After that person said that we can not potty train the baby, I told the husband that, just to prove a point, we are potty training the baby TODAY.

Yes, I am that crazy and competitive as well.

My sisters kids were potty trained by the time they were 1. I’m already 2 months behind.

It’s not like we haven’t tried. The baby was ready to go potty by the time he was 6 months old. He showed signs of discomfort with his diaper and the eiky yucky diaper cream. There were times, when we first bought his little potty, that he actually goes to the potty and point to signal that he needs to go potty, but it was the husband and I who failed to train him to do so. There were even times that he'd squat to show that he needs to go potty, but we sat there, watching him do it, while we starred at each other as who would change the diaper instead of running to the toilet.

So here we are again, maybe for the nth time, to try again, with more determination as ever. We took our the good old potty out for another run.

And the potty training began.

Two and a half hours later. Here I am sitting in front of my computer, having decided that this would be a good way to start my blog. Hahahaha

Yup. We ended in tears (my tears), a roll of paper towel gone, a few hand towels in the laundry, and the baby back on pull ups.

We had 2 successful potty. One when I made him sit in the potty for about 10 minutes while I was singing whatever nursery rhyme I could think off. And the other, I was able to catch before he made a mess. The rest, well, we realized that the baby pees every 5 minutes that we actually set the kitchen alarm on. There were more disasters, in 2 hours mind you, than successes.

Yup. I’m done for now. I need food before we try again. The husband is making something that smells good, so I’m off to the kitchen now.

Though frustrating and tiring, I’m still determined to prove that person wrong. This kid is gonna go potty, on his own, before the end of this week. 
